over at LFS.org: an essay by me on the movie Serenity
January 19, 2022
Self-reliance and libertarian ideals on the frontier: Prometheus-winning novelist Travis Corcoran on Joss Whedon’s Serenity, the 2006 Prometheus Special Award winner.
Dear Mr. Corcoran,
My name is Sean Datar. I am a 23 year old from Massachusetts. I am an undergraduate computer engineering student who plans to take time off from school to pursue experience in homesteading, as I have lost significant amount of interest in engineering. I was wondering if you had any advice for someone with no prior homesteading experience, specifically where I could search for an apprenticeship.
Hi Sean,
(Please, just call me Travis).
My two pieces of advice to look for such a thing are (a) join homesteading discussion groups, on Facebook, in Discords, etc., and express your interest. There are tons of these communities. And (b) look at https://wwoof.net/ .
Best of luck!
Thank you very much, Travis!
Hi Travis,
Eagerly awaiting more Aristillus! Just read your commentary on Firefly/Serenity, and at one spot had to laugh—have you been to The Domes?!
I’m a freestater and remember the early days there. The seasteaders at Linton Bay are getting ready for their big launch this month, and there are others…
Hey Kevin,
I’m working on a YA Aristillus short story right now, which I hope to have out by the end of the year. It’s like a cross between The Mad Scientists Club and a Heinlein juvenile, in tone.
Yes, not only have I been to the Domes, but I live about three miles down the road from there.
I’ve been in NH for going on nine years myself.