Travis J I Corcoran
Travis J I Corcoran is a Catholic anarcho-capitalist software-engineering hobo farmer.
Travis has had non-fiction articles published in several national magazines including Dragon, Make, and Fine Homebuilding. “The Powers of the Earth” is his first novel.
What people are saying
I’m sure this can be justified as your lovely American free speech and not hate speech or malicious communication, and yes, I’m sure Corcoran has a perfect right to say it and all that shit. Guess what? I have a perfect right not to like it, and a right to wish not to be associated with the nutter who spews it.
— Warren Ellis, author of Transmetropolitan, Iron Man Extremis, The Authority
I don’t think what Corcoran wrote should be criminal, but it’s certainly stupid, ill-advised and, frankly, immoral. Corcoran calls himself an anarcho-capitalist. Which is fine I guess. I’ll leave it to anarcho-capitalists to figure out if they want him. But he isn’t remotely libertarian.
— Radley Balko, Huffington Post senior writer, former analyst at Cato Institute
I’m left wondering – how is Travis Corcoran still a free man?
— The Daily Kos
You must be the guy who runs a business up in MA and had a blog called “Dispatches From TJICistan” (or something similar). There was an absolutely excellent post there about the economics of running a business. IIRC, there was something in there about the owner being paid last, and taking the first pay cut.
Any chance that could be found? I’d love to link to it.
Just read your tweets about removing rocks from New England soil.
Once I finished laughing…
I have no idea where you live in New England, but everything I’ve ever read about farming in New England historically suggests that all those stone walls? Yeah. Virtue of necessity, somewhere to put all the rocks.
Remember the original settlers spent hundreds of years farming and removing the rocks they found and every spring there were more, and when Ohio and the Midwest opened up, they basically all took off for the better soil. The archives are full of letters home saying basically “Dear Family I left behind, the dirt here is better, sell/leave get your flinty derrieres out here and leave that useless rock farm behind.” Pastoral farming took over except for a few patches/river bottom land for feed.
That being said the remnants hung on for 150 years until the 1950’s, but the pattern was clear, the old man would die, and the farm would go out of production.
That describes Northern New York as well.
Where can one get a hold of said books now that kickstarter is over?
thank you!
Hi there where can i buy the second kindle book in this series, Cause Of Separation. Cannot find it on Amazon
The 2nd book will be available at Amazon sometime in 2018. Thanks for your interest!
Causes of Separation (Aristillus #2) E book? Just sent be a doc or pdf. Please ?!
The 2nd book will be available at Amazon sometime in 2018. Thanks for your interest!
There are some ideas you might want to think about for your next book. Is there a way send those to you without posting?
My initials are “TJIC”. You can reach me at that username at that domain name.
I am always curious to hear ideas about marketing / publishing / etc., but I am actively NOT looking for plot / characterization / other ideas – I take pride in the fact that my novels are 100% my own creation and don’t want to muddy the waters by having anyone else make suggestions. The worst case would be if someone made a suggestion that I already had in mind, and then got the impression that I owe them a credit!
No credit needed, but I’d like to see some canine/human relations in book 3.
I’ve just finished the audiobook of ‘Powers of the Earth’, what a fantastic book. I have been getting through several audiobooks a week for many years now and many turn out to be just back ground noise. Your book sits amongst the very best.
I’m hoping the follow up in the series will also be available on audiobook soon?
Thank you. G
Thanks Gareth!
I too hope that the 2nd book is made into an audiobook. The publisher has the rights to do so.
Two things will influence them:
(1) Sales of the first audiobook
(2) fan mail
Feel free to recommend the audiobook to friends, and/or to contact the publisher!
This is literally one of the best books I’ve listened to In a long while. I cannot wait for book 2. If possible I think a prequel would be cool. I love how it seems to have such parallels with today’s society if it continues with the extremes that we are seeing.
Thanks, Steve! Really appreciate hearing it!
Book 2 is available now in ebook and trade and the audiobook is scheduled for release in November.
I have written two prequel short stories (limited release so far), and intend to write more. At some point the prequels will be bundled together into a collection.
Oh man that’s awesome news, glad I stumbled upon this when I did then haha since the audio book isn’t that far off. I wish I actually had time to read a paper copy of a book :(. Keep up the great work man and thanks for replying
When is book 3?
> When is book 3?
Working on it now!
Awesome books! Please keep making more and don’t let those knuckleheads quoted at the top of the page get you down. They are scary and sad people.
Hey sorry to post on your page again but I bought both the audio books and I am trying to figure out what books the AI/Gamma recommended John and/or the dogs to read. I would love to find those and read them. I cruised through the books and lost where that was referenced. Feel free to take this comment down if needed.
* The Starship and the Canoe
* Cowen’s ‘Ungoverned Somalia,’
* Friedman’s ‘The Icelandic Free State’
* Bennington’s ‘Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo y Federacion
Anarquista Iberica.’
The first one is real, the last three are fictional
Thank you!
Kicked off twitter so I can’t write it there, but I just wanted to thank you for your twitter Prepper threads, they put me in the right mindset and right now as my country is closing everything around me, I find myself with stocks for 2 months, laid in only a few days before the shelves suddenly emptied as everybody else caught on.
Did they ban you from twitter?
Yes, my account is on hold because of “suspicious automated activity”, and I can’t reauthorize it because I don’t have access to the cell phone that was once used with it.
I have appealed.
Fingers crossed that I come back soon.
Where is your new account? It looks like they Epstein’ed you last one on Twitter
If they nuked your kickstarter, you should talk move your website over to 1776 hosting. They host people who have people trying to report them for bullshit like “racism”. the guy who runs it, Josh, should be able to help you raising money as well on New Project Two. It is like Patreon. Josh is friends with the guy who runs it
Yeah, if they got to your twitter then they who is to say they will also not go after your kickstarter and blog. It would be wise to move them. Are you still planning to launch the kickstarter? I thought was went up today.
His kickstarter is up:
Though I’ve no idea why his account is locked on twitter
Lots of people setting their Twitter to private at the moment, likely too many stupid current event takes.
Everything is fine, I just don’t want my kickstarter, which is doing well, to rack up a very good total, then 4 hours before it closes, someone digs up an old tweets and contacts kickstarter to get me cancelled.
I intend to unlock my twitter account after the check clears.
Please unlock twitter when you’re able. I don’t want an account on there, but really enjoy the homesteading and writing updates.
I’m in the middle of small town political maneuvering ; have to keep locked for now. I hope to unlock in March or April.
Wish you the best, but this is having a major negative impact on my happiness (but positive impact on my productivity). Your twitter has been my first and last stop of the day (as well as many in between). First we lose Clarkhat, then Browningmachine, now you! Seriously, like many other people, your twitter feed clued me in to prep for Covid. Thanks. I’m an Escape the City backer and look forward to reading the book and your unlocked Twitter.
Also, would happily pay a subscription to get writing by you Clarkhat and Browningmachine.
email me at tjic XXX tjic XXX com with your twitter username and I will approve a follow
That was impressively fast. Thanks for the offer. Don’t have twitter. Just read your feed on a browser.
So how bout that March/April thing? Hope all’s going well (despite what ebook implies)
Enjoying my ebook, BTW. Thanks for getting it out ahead of paperback!
Just finished Earth and starting Separation. Wow, was that excellent. Really well written and interesting. Better than Moon is a Harsh Mistress, and I am a big Heinlein fan. Thanks again for imagining a very interesting world and placing a bunch of well-drawn out characters in it. I used to follow you on Twitter, but apparently you went private. I’ll follow the instructions up-thread and hope to hear from you. One minor comment: your characters need to read a little more Hans-Hermann Hoppe. ?
I recently discovered some of your work. Thank you for providing your insights.
I was wondering if you recommend any reading material regarding the fall of the Roman Empire. I am looking for material on the subject but find that some information seems skewed and manipulated..
Thank you,
Thanks for the feedback!
I’ve read a decent bit about Rome, but not much of it in the last 20 years, since college. I’d love to read Gibbon’s Decline and Fall some day. Sorry I don’t have better recos.
Caught your appearance on Timcast the other week, and checked out your how-to guides on exfiltrating the big city to the boonies, and ended up getting both volumes and both volumes of the Aristillus books and the two short stories. Do you have an approximate ETA on when “Right and Duty” will drop?
Still delving into Escape The City. I’m in north Texas, and thinking about selling and getting down around the hill country, since my current job is 100% remote now, and looking likely to stay that way, and because Starlink is almost to 1.0 status, I can pretty much live wherever.
Hey Terry, thanks for picking up the books!
Next Ari books are probably 3 years out; just getting back to them now 🙁
Yeah, remote + Starlink changes everything. I’ve visited Texas hill country and it’s very nice. If I lived in Texas, that’s where I’d go.
I saw a tweet mentioning “the Mormon from Aristillus” and I’m scratching my head
not sure what tweet that was, so … can’t really say anything useful in response
Never mind, it was a misunderstanding on my part.
First, want to say thanks for giving me the heads up via Twitter re: COVID-19 and stocking up ahead of time. Also, thanks for finding a way to stay on Twitter (I really miss reading Clarkhat and Browningmachine). Also, am enjoying Escape the City.
I don’t and won’t have a Twitter account, so wanted to comment on one of your tweets because I work in the field of hospital finance and strategy and you seem to care about factual accuracy. The very large majority of payments to acute care hospitals are “prospective” payments. The hospital is paid based on the diagnosis regardless of how long a patient is in the hospital. Thus, hospital administration is typically very focused on lower average length of stay (while maintaining acuity level, because sicker patients are paid a higher prospective payment). I’d love to hear more from your friend about why hospitals are holding on to patients.
Secondly, hospitals have been limiting ICU beds for decades as a way to mitigate the impact of EMTALA (the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act) signed by Reagan in the early 80s. Part of the act requires hospitals to accept all transfers for which they have the capacity and capability to provide care. This means that if you have plenty of empty ICU beds, smaller hospitals can dump their trainwreck Medicaid and no insurance patients on you and you have to take them. So, eigenrobot is correct that hospitals tend to have fewer ICU beds than most would expect.
Wow, that was incredibly fast!
Your twitter feed is private again? Please don’t make that permanent.
I’ll be back in a week.
The issue is that some internet nut job, R*man M*Clay, went on a murder spree in Denver a few days ago … and 18 months back, Roman had ALSO used Twitter to threaten to murder me and my wife, so a quick search of twitter (if, say, you’re a journalist) turns up my name.
Journalists have started DMing me for comment, of which I have none.
My name has already popped up in one news article, and I have zero desire to be linked to this nutjob in print.
…so the twitter account will be locked for a week or two.
Sorry to hear about that. I’ll start looking again next week.
I know from reading your tweets that you don’t like it when “people just say things” so you might want to correct the tweet you retweeted from @xynkox (Mars Avenger) stating that NH is the state with the second most trees. I don’t think that’s possible when NY’s Adirondack State Park is larger than the entire state of NH (NY ASP 9,375 sqmi vs NH 9,349 sqmi according to wikipedia). Satellite view on google maps seems to confirm that it is very unlikely that NH has more trees than NY.
I dated a girl who went to Cornell in the early nineties as did her older sister. They told me that one of the bars in college town had a drink free til u pee night. IIRC, it was called something like “Don’t break the seal.” I think the bar might have been “The Nines” or something like that. 30 years ago, hard to remember. Thought u might be interested since you were in Ithaca at about that time.
Yeah, the Nines was a real bar when I was there 1988-1992. Not sure about the “break the seal” thing, but funny!
I loved the Aristillus series. And I hope for even more to come in the future.
I also hope that I can someday read the books again in my own house, on my own land, in a free territory.
Keep on writing books, man.
Thanks, Dmitri, I appreciate it!
Living in New Hampshire isn’t perfectly free, but it’s pretty good … but let’s keep our fingers crossed that someday we can live on the moon or on Mars!
Good morning, Travis.
I’m looking for some advice on how to publish my first book. I’m just completing my final edit and seem to be running into the meat grinder of on-line AIs trying to sell me everything from editing services to publication, all at a hefty price! Can you recommend a service or a good sci fi publisher? Is Morlock Publishing looking for manuscripts?
Thank you, and I’m looking forward to the Aristillus books 3 and 4!
Thanks for writing.
Morlock Publishing is not looking for manuscripts, as it’s not a real business, just my personal brand for things I write.
My advice is to publish directly, via Amazon. Google for “KDP”. That’s what I and most of my author friends do.
For editing and other services, I recommend my friend J A Sutherland at
Best of luck!
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my questions. I will look into Amazon KDP, and once I’m done with my current rewrite, will contact your friend, JA Sutherland for his input! I greatly appreciate your valuable support for this first time author!
CommentTravis- Just saw this- ‘ The Aristillus Engineering Club and the Journey to the Center of Mars.” But it’s not for sale. I think there’s some Amazon reason for that. Can you provide any details about how/when to order? (I just read e-books.) Glad to see this.
This was a hiccup. It should not have been listed at Amazon yet.
There will be a kickstarter later in this year.
Hi Travis, I’ve said this to you on Twitter on twice that the South African government isn’t trying to take people’s land (yet). You’ve ignored both tweets. I find this disappointing as I think someone like you would be interested in the truth. But you are not.
I ignore LOTS of this, Marius. I have a day job, I have a weekend job, a have a seat in the legislature, I am working on novels, and I’m working on the farm.
…and sometimes I ignore things because I’ve muted people or terms, and never saw the tweets.
I have no memory of seeing you tweeting at me on this topic, so maybe I muted either a keyword or your username.
I don’t even remember talking about South African land confiscation, but since you bring the topic up, all I know is what I read
> South African White Farmers’ Land to Be Seized in Controversial Land Redistribution Claim
> As of early 2006, the ANC government announced that it will start expropriating the land
Good morning, Travis, and thank you for your earlier avicide (06-02-2023) regarding self-publishing on Amazon KDP. My first book, Argo, The Ceres Prime Incident was published on Amazon in March and is doing okay. I’ve gotten some very positive reviews and just completed publishing the Audible version in July. Audible has provided me with free links to my book in order to receive (hopefully) some constructive reviews. I would be honored if you would consider giving it a listen, that is, if your busy schedule has time for this. Thank you, and I’m still looking forward to the Aristillus books 3 and 4!
Congrats on your first novel! That’s a huge achievement!
I searched Amazon for the title and can’t find it. Can you provide a link?
Good afternoon, Travis.
Back in August, I sent you a link to my Audible book and it looks like you downloaded it successfully.
I know it’s been a busy time for all of us, and I just wanted to check in and see if I could get some feedback. As this is my first book, I’m very open to constructive feedback that will help me improve my writing and hopefully get me going in the right direction. This book is a bit different in the since that it’s a religious-science fiction story, and I hope it appeals to you. Thanks again!
Please enjoy one free audio review copy of ARGO: Book 1, now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at
Travis, here is a free link to the Audible version of Argo, Book 1, The Ceres Prime Incident. I’m concerned that you cannot find it on Amazon as this is currently my only source of sales! But I will look into this asap! Thank you so much for your interest, and I look forward to your feedback, be it good, bad or ugly!
I would like to purchase an ebook of Staking a Claim, but amazon claims it is unavailable in my country (USA). How can I purchase an ebook version?
should be fixed now, but if not, paypal me the list price at with a comment saying which book and which format you want
Would like to buy 50-100 of your novels for a giveaway to high school aged kids interested in science fiction / Libertarian philosophy. Would be interested to chat about a quote..