Bug reports for “The Team” go here
Leave bug reports in the comments, please....
Hints of things to come
Another great piece of fan mail (perhaps my favorite!)
JK wrotes: Travis, They were delivered yesterday. Being a mature adult I did not slash open the cardboard with my “pocket knife ” in my...
Response to Fan Mail
My response to my first piece of fan mail follows. NOTE: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR BOOKS 1 AND 2 … AND HINTS RE BOOKS 3 AND...
Fight for $15 !
Aristillus Cook Book?
@MorlockP can you do a Powers of Earth cookbook? Enough food mentioned… — Commissar Geo Bartlette (31st Harakoni Warhawks) (@GeoGDF01) August 2, 2017 https://twitter.com/MorlockP/status/892734145331417090 https://twitter.com/MorlockP/status/892734396645748738...
Fan mail
It’s really cool to receive fan mail…and this is the best one yet. It’s thrilling to hear that someone really really gets what you’re trying...
Unboxing Photos !
https://twitter.com/B30wu1f2/status/890680073405247488 another: Just got them in the mail!@MorlockP pic.twitter.com/iP4k25YoaO — nitetrain 8? (@Nitetrain_1) July 29, 2017 and Me too,sweet! Rainy Saturday unboxing pic.twitter.com/PrKkb6oG0J — ???B&?????...
Typo and bug reports go here
Please leave any errors in comments here. A bit of context is as good (or better) than a page number. Thanks!...
E-books are being delivered
I’ve written some Ruby on Rails code which is invoking all sorts of complicated eldritch horrors (I’ve learned several new flags to ‘zip’, and know...