Response to Fan Mail

My response to my first piece of fan mail follows. NOTE: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR BOOKS 1 AND 2 … AND HINTS RE BOOKS 3 AND...

Aristillus Cook Book?

@MorlockP can you do a Powers of Earth cookbook? Enough food mentioned… — Commissar Geo Bartlette (31st Harakoni Warhawks) (@GeoGDF01) August 2, 2017

Fan mail

It’s really cool to receive fan mail…and this is the best one yet. It’s thrilling to hear that someone really really gets what you’re trying...

Unboxing Photos ! another: Just got them in the mail!@MorlockP — nitetrain 8? (@Nitetrain_1) July 29, 2017 and Me too,sweet! Rainy Saturday unboxing — ???B&?????...

Typo and bug reports go here

Please leave any errors in comments here. A bit of context is as good (or better) than a page number. Thanks!...

E-books are being delivered

I’ve written some Ruby on Rails code which is invoking all sorts of complicated eldritch horrors (I’ve learned several new flags to ‘zip’, and know...